Alex Small


I’m currently Southend West and Leigh’s Vice-Chair and have been a conference delegate twice, debating and voting on Labour Party policy.

I’ve worked with charities and community organisations, seeing first hand, the suffering felt by those at the sharpest end of our broken economic model, including those experiencing homelessness and food insecurity. This has solidified for me that we need an incoming Labour government to be bold in facing these grave challenges, to transform society in favour of working people, and tackle the climate crisis head on.

I’ve stood shoulder to shoulder with workers on the picket lines, as they campaigned for a fairer deal. I will continue to advocate for properly funding our vital public services, keeping them away from private profiteers and improving the pay and conditions of our key workers.

I believe strongly in resident-led decision making and will push for further devolution and decentralisation, putting power and investment into local communities.

If elected, I’ll respect the mandate by engaging extensively with members across Eastern region, listening to your views and priorities, and working to ensure they are represented in Labour policy.

Please also support other grassroots candidates Bryn Griffiths, Shahid Nadeem, Maxine Sadza and Rachel Garnham.