David Ray


My name is David Ray, and I am a Labour Borough Councillor in Darlington. As well as this, I work in Telecommunications, and I am an Industrial Relations Rep for the Communication Workers Union. I believe this puts me in a great position to be able to represent a large portion of Labour’s support base and membership. I work daily in my role as a councillor and a trade unionist, to shout about the values so many Labour Party members hold dear.

I strive to champion our party, and the election of a Labour Government is what drives me. I want to take up the role, so I can play a bigger part in how we shape this party, so we can make a difference to people’s lives in the North of England and the rest of the country, with progressive and transformative policies on things such as enhancing workers’ rights, ending poverty/economic inequality, building more social housing, community wealth building, and addressing climate change.

I’m proud to be supported by the Centre- Left Grassroots Alliance, CLPD, and Momentum and I urge you to nominate and vote for Hannah Cousins, Rochelle Charlton-Laine, Samantha Townsend and Joshua Freestone (youth position).