India Rees


Young people need a Labour government. With that prospect in reach, here’s where I stand:

  • As a teacher, I know first-hand that we need an education system that is free and accessible from cradle to grave.
  • As a young worker and trade union representative in Young Labour, I am committed to working with the labour movement to organise young members.
  • I have worked on campaigns centring women’s safety at local and national levels as part of the Misogyny is Hate campaign.
  • I know every door counts. We need our youth structures to be fully geared towards winning the general election.
  • Our Party must do better on trans rights, something for which I will fearlessly advocate.

I’ll fight for policies young people care about:

  • Affordable and accessible housing, including support for renters and transport costs.
  • Labour’s commitment to introduce the New Deal for Working People within 100 days of government, delivering the biggest upgrade in individual and collective employment rights in generations.
  • Stamping out the shameful racism that exists inside and outside of our Party.
  • A foreign policy guided by peace and international law – including a full and immediate ceasefire in Gaza, and a recognition of the State of Palestine.